Choose the perfect plan for your business.
STANDARD WordPress Website
starting at$3800plus hosting and care plan
- ADA Compatibility
- Link checker
- SSL Setup
- SEO Yoast installation
- Basic Training
- Social Media Connection
- Testimonial Slide Show
- 60 min Consultation with 2 revision sessions
- 10 pages
- Newsletter/Sign Up Opt In
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Contact Form/Sign Ups
PREMIUM WordPress Website
starting at$5500plus hosting and care plan
- ADA Compatibility
- Link checker
- SSL Setup
- SEO Yoast installation
- Basic Training
- Social Media Connection
- Testimonial Slide Show
- 60 min Consultation with 3 revision sessions
- 20 pages
- Newsletter/Sign Up Opt In
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Contact Form/Sign Ups
- Enhanced Menu
- Live Chat
- Online Schedule
ENTERPRISE WordPress Website
starting at$7000plus hosting and care plan
- ADA Compatibility
- Link checker
- SSL Setup
- SEO Yoast installation
- Basic Training
- Social Media Connection
- Testimonial Slide Show
- 60 min Consultation with 4 revision sessions
- 30+ pages
- Newsletter/Sign Up Opt In
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Contact Form/Sign Ups
- Enhanced Menu
- Live Chat
- Online Schedule
- Blog Set Up with two blog posts
- Additional Copyrighting
- Shopping Cart Set Up
With over 15 years of website design experience, Bright Ideas Website Design has created a tried and true process for designing websites that highlight and market our clients. Below is our process.
1. Website Design: Audit Phase
This is where we sit down with you and learn about your brand and how the website design will help move it forward.
What functions and features will your website have? What kind of content do you want to put out there? What are your overall marketing goals? Do you know how you stack up against your competition? You should. We’ll research their websites to see what content is resonating with their audience. Then, we will design a website that will give you an edge with design and usability.
2. Website Design: Creative Phase
Once we’ve gathered all the necessary insights on you and your competitors, it’s time to put together the building blocks of your website.
First we’ll map out all of the pages for the website so that we can start developing the content. The sitemap is the basic structure of the navigation, and is extremely helpful in the next steps of the process. Also in this stage, we map out the fonts and colors we will use, and provide examples of how they will be used. Common items that are show in this stage are headline and paragraph font styles, colors and size, navigation styles and the style of images that may be used.
3. Website Design: Development Phase
The development stage is when the website design starts coming together. We start the coding process and pull the sitemap, styles and content together to build the design and layout of the web pages. We will also make sure we have all the text, graphics, etc that we need from you.
The development phase is the longest of the four phases in our web design process, this is where most of the work is being done with page layout, custom graphics, icons, infographics, text layout and all of the responsive coding to make the site work across all devices.
4. Website Design: Launch Phase
The launch stage is very important, this is where we prepare the site to transition to a live environment and make sure nothing was left out or overlooked.
Once the website is designed and launched, then what? We are here to assist with all maintenance and changes going forward.
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